

Chair of the tribunal in an ad hoc arbitration related to the performance of a mandate contract between a shipping agent and a freigth carrier.

Counsel to a major French energy company in a WIPO arbitration related to the infringement of its intellectual property rights.

Counsel to a French company in the context of several domestic litigation and expert proceedings against a real estate developer and its shareholders in relation to the construction of a 30,000 sqm building.

Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration related to a dispute arising out of the performance of a mandate agreement impacted by international sanctions against Iran (Danish law, seated in Copenhagen).

Counsel to an English company and its local subsidiary in two related arbitration proceedings (ICC and ICSID) related to an oil concession contract.

Counsel to a major French telecommunication group in the pre-arbitration phase of several related disputes with West African States concerning the exploitation of broadcasting rights.

Counsel to two arbitrators in the proceedings brought against them before the French courts to engage their liability for the conduct of an ICC arbitration proceeding.

Counsel to two Portuguese companies in two related judicial proceedings before the Paris Court of Appeal in the proceedings to set aside an ICC award and a decision on its correction and interpretation.

Legal opinion submitted to the High Court of Justice in London regarding the recognition by French courts of an interim anti-suit injunction issued by English courts to safeguard arbitral proceedings seated in France.

Co-arbitrator in an ICC arbitration related to the performance of an agency contract (Ivorian law, seated in Paris).

Counsel to a major oil & gas company in the pre-arbitration phase of a dispute against the co-owners of an oil pipeline in Europe after the suspension of the use of the pipeline.

Counsel in a proceeding before the French Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force during the Occupation

Counsel to a real estate federation in a proceeding before the French Conseil d’Etat against a government decree, including a question prioritaire de constitutionnalité before the French Constitutional Court

Counsel to a French international construction group in a dispute related to the construction of a High Quality Environmental standard (HQE) building

Counsel to a European Defense Group in the context of various judicial proceedings in French and abroad

Counsel to a major Brazilian Food & Beverage company in a dispute against its French competitor

Counsel to a French distributor in the textile sector in a dispute against its agent in the Middle East

Counsel to a French distributor in the textile sector in a dispute against a French bank

Counsel to a Japanese bank in a dispute against a French company in the art sector

Counsel to a Swiss bank in a dispute against an African bank with respect to credit notes

Counsel to a construction company in legal proceedings before a French court against oil groups and a Central African State in connection to the enforcement of a guarantee

Counsel to an engineering and construction contractor specializing in oil rigs in Asia in the pre-arbitration phase of a dispute concerning the scope of works and delays relating to the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of offshore drilling and production facilities in Iran

Counsel to an international audiovisual group in a litigation before the first instance courts of Nanterre against a businessman from a West African State